Friday, May 29, 2009
I really love this one...

What I love about May mornings...

Sunday, May 17, 2009
My favorite part of spring...

Notice the lone bud left as a calling card... a note to say, "See what I can do to you. Don't show off too much. I could have left you dead but let's see what you've got, woman."
The good news - the little lady's still alive. I brought her in for the winter and loved and cared for her. She gave me a few leaves and lots of flowers to say thank you. But the kind flower lady at Mulhall's told me I could have no flowers this summer. If I really loved this one, I would have to be tough on her. Cut her nearly to the stem. Make her grow a coat. Put some leaves on. So I mustered the courage and did just that. I took a picture but I won't embarass her by placing it here... Just know that her photo shoot is coming. She will return to glory. She's a fighter. A winner. An example to us all.
Show some flowers after you've been beaten. Don't let them think they've made you die. Remind them you're beautiful. But let 'em cut you back and force you to become stronger, not just prettier.
Live long and strong, beautiful hibiscus... Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wanna know why this guy's smilin'?

Cuz I ain't gonna eat no meat...
I'm declaring next week NO MEAT WEEK! I'm gonna give it a try... go for the green. It'll be veggies 'n fruits 'n beans for me (okay, I'll probably consume eggs and fish, too... I'm not a FANATIC!!!)
But no cow, no pig, no chicken... and I never eat deer or buffalo or elk, so they're safe.
So if anyone has any grand ideas for meals PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know. Or I'm gonna get tired of salads real quick...
I'm off to grow a tomato...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
It's been a LONG day...

I went for a wonderfully long walk with Heidi tonight. We walked down the long hill, across the bridge, and through the Old Market. Then... we turned around and walked back through the Old Market, up the bridge and back over the long hill. It's a tough journey when you don't do that everyday!
That's just who I am...