If I had a house. In the South. Or even in the East. Or the West. I'd have this. A sleeping porch. To lounge. To rest. To dream. To read. To nap. I'd use it in the morning. The afternoon. The evening. All the time. I'd have huge trees. Draping over the roof. Rustling in the breeze.
But I don't own a house. And I live in Nebraska. And we have winters. But if I had a house. I'd still have one of these.
Love until forever (and I'll have one someday),
Estee Renee
My unwife's family had a cabin in the redwoods of California, with a sleeping porch with 7 beds! All the kids in the fam would sleep in there, and jump from bed to bed most of the time they were in the room. It had a creek behind it and big shady redwoods all around. It even had a crows nest, a deck built one story up in the trees that you could only get to by going out one of the bedroom windows. It was wonderful to sleep out there.
Now I live in Oklahoma and have a muddy backyard and a mosquito infested field next to our house. But some day...
I lived in Oklahoma, too, for awhile. I lived by the river had mostly scorpions under my furniture.
ohhh! Yes! You mentioned this at lunch today! This is sooo dreamy! I love it. Beautiful, relaxing, and I love those quilts!
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