Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why do you do this to me?

Seriously, Lenox... I'm in love with beautiful place settings so much that I can't decide which is my favorite. And if I could decide, then maybe I'd commit and have an entire collection. But no, you have to go and produce something this beautiful. All it does is confuse me more...

I shouldn't tell you the Pioneer Woman is having a giveaway today of SIX of these glorious sets. I shouldn't tell you because then the odds of me winning would be greater. I shouldn't... but I just did. If you win, please have me over for lunch and let me sip tea from the mug and eat salad off the plate... PLEASE?????

Sweet "Chirp" if you're lucky I'll...

Love until forever,
Estee Renee


Tesa said...

Oh... Those are BEAUTIFUL!! If you win, can I come over for lunch and drool over your plates? :)

Jana said...

man pdub ruins my life with her glass wear! you are too funny! love your blog, I hope all is going well with weight watchers! I think you are absolutely beautiful =D if you need any nutrition Ideas I am your gal, I used to be an aerobics instructor and I love GOOOD healthy food!