Monday, August 31, 2009
Today's program brought to you by the number...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bon Appétit

Now they've married themselves with the likes of the Julia-crazed and are passing new favorites under my nose for consideration. How can I ever pass up such timeless tools of the trade? How? How?? How???

That'll be all for now. My balance just slipped and I think I might have had a fainting spell... Nothing that a little Boeuf à la Bourguignonne wouldn't fix. I'll get on that.
Bon appétit. Au revoir. Merci.Wednesday, August 26, 2009
SMILE... you're on Candid Camera!
Dear Renee,
When I think of you it makes me smile!!
Tobin Edward
How much more perfect can a long day get? You make me smile, too, DreamBoy...
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Sunday, August 23, 2009
No repentance needed...

Gooey, drippy...

Sunday morning favorite...

Did you see that syrup drip? Hold on to that long, strong, string of sugary goodness, sweetheart!
Kashi GoLEAN Blueberry waffles toasted to a golden crispness, peanut butter, smashed banana, SF syrup (I gotta, it's 0 points... although I'd much prefer the real stuff)
Now that I've introduced you to my SIN (6 points of weekend Weight Watchers yum!)... it's time for me to go to church. See y'all later!
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The quicker picker upper

Estee Renee
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Puffs

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

(the never "CRABBY") Estee Renee
Monday, August 10, 2009
Am I insane???...

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Skip the book, see the show...

But I didn't. Sorry Julie Powell. I'm sure I would have LOVED your blog. It's my style. But to move that storyline to this book just didn't work. Not for me.
BUT!!! When I saw the trailer for the motion picture, I was excited.

Estee Renee
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
If it was good for Aristotle...
FAGE (pronouced fah-YEH) completely FAT FREE yogurt. I've enjoyed some every morning with fresh blueberries. I've added it to my favorite muffin recipe. I've slapped a dolop of it on top of my burrito. I've had it in the evening with a bit of honey and pecans. YUM!
This one product has taken the place of so many other items in my fridge. I'm hooked. And it's the ONLY thing I travel to Whole Foods for.
I highly recommend you find a bucket of it and give it a go. But, please, please, please leave a container on the shelf for me. I'm just about out again and I'm asking nicely...