I've never been so bored as the three months I tried desparately to read this...

The concept of the book, the suggested storyline, the jacket advertisement... they all indicated that I would enjoy this tome of literary comraderie. I like to cook. I like to read. I appreciate all things nostalgic. Therefore I would like it.
But I didn't. Sorry Julie Powell. I'm sure I would have LOVED your blog. It's my style. But to move that storyline to this book just didn't work. Not for me.
BUT!!! When I saw the trailer for the motion picture, I was excited.

It seemed like a much more interesting way to experience the story. So I spent my last free Saturday of summer sitting in the theatre. Me and about 150 senior citizens. It was the 10:15... A.M... show.
I was confident I would like this... a Nora Ephron film. I ALWAYS like Nora Ephron. And I did. I felt connected. Involved. I'm not a fan of French food (except the wine and cheese) but I may just give it a try after watching it's life unfold before my eyes.
This just goes to show that the book is NOT always better than the movie...
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
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