BUT!!! My new place is beautiful! My bruises and friction burns are healing quickly! And I stole a quick test-drive over my lunch hour today. All in all, the month will work itself out.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I am alive...
BUT!!! My new place is beautiful! My bruises and friction burns are healing quickly! And I stole a quick test-drive over my lunch hour today. All in all, the month will work itself out.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Need to hire...

Monday, August 31, 2009
Today's program brought to you by the number...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bon Appétit

Now they've married themselves with the likes of the Julia-crazed and are passing new favorites under my nose for consideration. How can I ever pass up such timeless tools of the trade? How? How?? How???

That'll be all for now. My balance just slipped and I think I might have had a fainting spell... Nothing that a little Boeuf à la Bourguignonne wouldn't fix. I'll get on that.
Bon appétit. Au revoir. Merci.Wednesday, August 26, 2009
SMILE... you're on Candid Camera!
Dear Renee,
When I think of you it makes me smile!!
Tobin Edward
How much more perfect can a long day get? You make me smile, too, DreamBoy...
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Sunday, August 23, 2009
No repentance needed...

Gooey, drippy...

Sunday morning favorite...

Did you see that syrup drip? Hold on to that long, strong, string of sugary goodness, sweetheart!
Kashi GoLEAN Blueberry waffles toasted to a golden crispness, peanut butter, smashed banana, SF syrup (I gotta, it's 0 points... although I'd much prefer the real stuff)
Now that I've introduced you to my SIN (6 points of weekend Weight Watchers yum!)... it's time for me to go to church. See y'all later!
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The quicker picker upper

Estee Renee
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Puffs

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

(the never "CRABBY") Estee Renee
Monday, August 10, 2009
Am I insane???...

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Skip the book, see the show...

But I didn't. Sorry Julie Powell. I'm sure I would have LOVED your blog. It's my style. But to move that storyline to this book just didn't work. Not for me.
BUT!!! When I saw the trailer for the motion picture, I was excited.

Estee Renee
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
If it was good for Aristotle...
FAGE (pronouced fah-YEH) completely FAT FREE yogurt. I've enjoyed some every morning with fresh blueberries. I've added it to my favorite muffin recipe. I've slapped a dolop of it on top of my burrito. I've had it in the evening with a bit of honey and pecans. YUM!
This one product has taken the place of so many other items in my fridge. I'm hooked. And it's the ONLY thing I travel to Whole Foods for.
I highly recommend you find a bucket of it and give it a go. But, please, please, please leave a container on the shelf for me. I'm just about out again and I'm asking nicely...

Friday, July 31, 2009
Get in my belly...

I've joined Weight Watchers. Again. I joined six years ago when I lived in the 'Ville and had time to lug myself down the Pathfinder twice a day for exercise and had an entire cafeteria crammed full of every healthy (even though there were NOT healthy) food choice I could want. I was successful. I lost 70 lbs back then. Then life happened. I changed jobs. I changed cities. Twice. I became lazy. I became complacent. And I found my 70 lbs I'd lost. SHUCKS! DOUBLE SHUCKS! So to make myself feel better I took my favorite picture of myself... a la top of this page... to my stylist and said, "Fix my hair to look like this again." So she did. And she did a good job. But it didn't look right. My face was FAT again. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh... So what did I do? I faced reality. I went back to Weight Watchers. I'm telling the GOD'S-HONEST-TRUTH. I've gotta do it this time. Keep me accountable folks. Hold me to my truth. Make me face the music. I've gotta dance this time. Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Why do you do this to me?

I shouldn't tell you the Pioneer Woman is having a giveaway today of SIX of these glorious sets. I shouldn't tell you because then the odds of me winning would be greater. I shouldn't... but I just did. If you win, please have me over for lunch and let me sip tea from the mug and eat salad off the plate... PLEASE?????
Sweet "Chirp" if you're lucky I'll...
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Sunday, July 19, 2009
It's your "Special" Day...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Is it really July?

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Inspirators vs Conspirators...

Many of you are already familiar with this woman and her website(s). You remember me gushing over her last year when I stumbled on this rare gem of internet splendiferousness. And if you aren't familiar with her, get yourself to her site and read and read and read. You'll laugh, cry, hiccup, sigh... it's beautiful and her family is beautiful and so are her dogs (even Charlie).
Ree (we're on a first name basis - or at least I am... and isn't it funny that our names are different by only two letters??? I call that kinship. HA!) has done so much for me without ever knowing it! She has inspired me to begin writing and blogging (whether anyone reads it or not). She has made me want to get my hands dirty in the kitchen and in the soil. She's made me want to have a dog and a couple dozen kids (these two goals will have to wait a few years I'm afraid...) And she's made this city girl long for the country.
And most of all, she's made me miss OKLAHOMA. I lived in her neck of the woods for 15 years and when I left I thought I'd said my final goodbyes. My sayonara. But now I want to spend some time there again. Visit my okie friends. Take a walk on the Pathfinder. Eat at DINKS (for goodness sake!)
This week, the Pioneer Woman launced ANOTHER grand site for us to whittle our days away with. Which leads me to my final thought... Pioneer Woman has made me want to be and do so much more. But she's also taken a lot of my time. So is she a INSPIRATOR or a CONSPIRATOR???
Ms Pioneer Woman and all others in SMOKELAHOMA...
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Help please...

Example 3

Thank you for the help! Oh, and if you know anything about Photoshop Elements 7 and want to shoot the understanding my way, I'd be much obliged. I don't seem to have the patience tonight.
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Zzzzzzzzzzz... Mmmmmm...

Estee Renee
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Namesake...

So what does this have to do with a namesake, you ask? Well, let me tell you... Jana sends her stories often through email and has a big group of fans/friends/countrymen and so she must categorize these folks in her own special nickname way. Jana dubbed me "Estee Renee." And I was honored.
It's a name I've kept because I love the story of Mrs. Estee Lauder... I worked for her company, carried on her traditions (did you know she would stop a woman in an elevator and put lipstick on her just to freshen her up), became a part of her family. I left the company for other adventures but yesterday I put in an application to come home to the Lauderettes again. I hope to rejoin the family!
Thank you for thinking so highly of me, Jana! I hope Mrs. Lauder would be proud of me...
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Monday, June 8, 2009
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Cloudy Sundays...

We enjoyed open-faced ham & swiss sandwiches on fresh French baguettes - served with spicy Dijon, shriveled salty olives, and tart yet sweet cornichons. Add to that a couple glasses of wine and LaBuvette was a shared favorite with a new friend.
After lunch we wound through the Old Market, browsing for treasures at Second Chance, flipping through books and art at Soul Desires Books, enjoying the views of the other strolling folks, and hoping for a perfect furniture find in Niche. I think it was a perfectly prosperous day!
I love you clouds. I love you Sundays. I'm glad when you come visit together!
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Oh so yummy...

You should definitely try these. They are, unfortunately, not diet food... But make a dozen, eat one (or two) and take the rest to your neighbors. They'll invite you over more often.
I can't take credit for these. I found them here but have heard the tale that they are originally a Better Homes & Gardens recipe from many moons ago...
Call me after you've indulged and we'll take a walk together. We've gotta work these dandies off somehow!
Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Friday, May 29, 2009
I really love this one...

What I love about May mornings...

Sunday, May 17, 2009
My favorite part of spring...

Notice the lone bud left as a calling card... a note to say, "See what I can do to you. Don't show off too much. I could have left you dead but let's see what you've got, woman."
The good news - the little lady's still alive. I brought her in for the winter and loved and cared for her. She gave me a few leaves and lots of flowers to say thank you. But the kind flower lady at Mulhall's told me I could have no flowers this summer. If I really loved this one, I would have to be tough on her. Cut her nearly to the stem. Make her grow a coat. Put some leaves on. So I mustered the courage and did just that. I took a picture but I won't embarass her by placing it here... Just know that her photo shoot is coming. She will return to glory. She's a fighter. A winner. An example to us all.
Show some flowers after you've been beaten. Don't let them think they've made you die. Remind them you're beautiful. But let 'em cut you back and force you to become stronger, not just prettier.
Live long and strong, beautiful hibiscus... Love until forever,
Estee Renee
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wanna know why this guy's smilin'?

Cuz I ain't gonna eat no meat...
I'm declaring next week NO MEAT WEEK! I'm gonna give it a try... go for the green. It'll be veggies 'n fruits 'n beans for me (okay, I'll probably consume eggs and fish, too... I'm not a FANATIC!!!)
But no cow, no pig, no chicken... and I never eat deer or buffalo or elk, so they're safe.
So if anyone has any grand ideas for meals PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know. Or I'm gonna get tired of salads real quick...
I'm off to grow a tomato...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
It's been a LONG day...

I went for a wonderfully long walk with Heidi tonight. We walked down the long hill, across the bridge, and through the Old Market. Then... we turned around and walked back through the Old Market, up the bridge and back over the long hill. It's a tough journey when you don't do that everyday!
That's just who I am...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I have an insatiable need to read biographies and watch documentaries. I read the biography of Amelia Earhart an easy 37 times during my 3rd grade year. And did I mention that I'm a nerd who watched Histories Mysteries and NOVA specials on Netflix???
Less about me, though...
Here are some other AMAZING books about people with BIG LIVES that I think everyone should read...
No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green
Mission Possible by Marilyn Laszlo
The Chosen by Chaim Potok (fiction)
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom
Oswald Chambers: Abandoned to God by David McCasland
The Diary of Anne Frank
Susannah Wesley: Servant of God
And oh, the list could go on. Read, and read, and read. Read the biographies of as many as you can (be sure to read several different authors, too). And when you're tired of reading, write your own history...
Love until forever... (and ever and ever and ever)
Estee Renee
Dead men say the sweetest things...

How oft, when thou, my music, music play'st,
Upon that blessed wood whose motion sounds
With they sweet fingers, when thou gently sway'st
The wiry concord that mine ear confounds,
Do I envy those jacks that nimble leap
To kiss the tender inward of thy hand,
Whilst my poor lips, which should that harvest reap,
At the wood's boldness by thee blushing stand!
To be so tickled, they would change their state
And situation with those dancing chips,
O'er whom they fingers walk with gentle gait,
Making dead wood more blest than living lips.
Since saucy jacks so happy are in this,
Give them thy fingers, me thy lips to kiss.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Too hard to decide...
I want something yummy today to finish my fabulous lunch from Jimi-D's. HELP! I can't decide. Which should it be...
I'll be seeing you soon, oh-goodness-in-my-life...
Love until forever,
Estee Renee