Friday, July 31, 2009

Get in my belly...

I have a secret to life that I'm just now learning... If you want to do something, try something, be successful at something, overcome something, you must tell someone the ABSOLUTE-HONEST-NO-HOLDS-BARRED-THERE-AIN'T-NO-MISTAKEN-THIS-IS-HOW-IT-IS-TRUTH about what's going on.
I've joined Weight Watchers. Again. I joined six years ago when I lived in the 'Ville and had time to lug myself down the Pathfinder twice a day for exercise and had an entire cafeteria crammed full of every healthy (even though there were NOT healthy) food choice I could want. I was successful. I lost 70 lbs back then.
Then life happened. I changed jobs. I changed cities. Twice. I became lazy. I became complacent. And I found my 70 lbs I'd lost. SHUCKS! DOUBLE SHUCKS!
So to make myself feel better I took my favorite picture of myself... a la top of this page... to my stylist and said, "Fix my hair to look like this again." So she did. And she did a good job. But it didn't look right. My face was FAT again. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh...
So what did I do? I faced reality. I went back to Weight Watchers. I'm telling the GOD'S-HONEST-TRUTH. I've gotta do it this time. Keep me accountable folks. Hold me to my truth. Make me face the music. I've gotta dance this time.
Love until forever,
Estee Renee

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why do you do this to me?

Seriously, Lenox... I'm in love with beautiful place settings so much that I can't decide which is my favorite. And if I could decide, then maybe I'd commit and have an entire collection. But no, you have to go and produce something this beautiful. All it does is confuse me more...

I shouldn't tell you the Pioneer Woman is having a giveaway today of SIX of these glorious sets. I shouldn't tell you because then the odds of me winning would be greater. I shouldn't... but I just did. If you win, please have me over for lunch and let me sip tea from the mug and eat salad off the plate... PLEASE?????

Sweet "Chirp" if you're lucky I'll...

Love until forever,
Estee Renee

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's your "Special" Day...

Happy Birthday, Pops... You gave me your best so I thought I'd give you my best (photo of you...) I hope your 59th birthday is a good one! Uh-huh...

Love until forever...
Your favorite oldest daughter

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is it really July?

Who wants to spend their time inside working, cleaning, or BLOGGING when the weather is this unseasonably beautiful? NOT ME! I can't believe our July luck. I'm going to spend the entire day enjoying it.
I realize that August is still coming. But these wonderful days have made me yearn for autumn. You will come soon, won't you friend???
I love you 75 degrees... FOREVER!
Estee Renee

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Inspirators vs Conspirators...

I knew it wouldn't be fair to post a true photo of the Pioneer Woman on my blog without her permission. So, instead, I borrowed one of her other "true likenesses" to give you an idea of what she's about...

Many of you are already familiar with this woman and her website(s). You remember me gushing over her last year when I stumbled on this rare gem of internet splendiferousness. And if you aren't familiar with her, get yourself to her site and read and read and read. You'll laugh, cry, hiccup, sigh... it's beautiful and her family is beautiful and so are her dogs (even Charlie).

Ree (we're on a first name basis - or at least I am... and isn't it funny that our names are different by only two letters??? I call that kinship. HA!) has done so much for me without ever knowing it! She has inspired me to begin writing and blogging (whether anyone reads it or not). She has made me want to get my hands dirty in the kitchen and in the soil. She's made me want to have a dog and a couple dozen kids (these two goals will have to wait a few years I'm afraid...) And she's made this city girl long for the country.

And most of all, she's made me miss OKLAHOMA. I lived in her neck of the woods for 15 years and when I left I thought I'd said my final goodbyes. My sayonara. But now I want to spend some time there again. Visit my okie friends. Take a walk on the Pathfinder. Eat at DINKS (for goodness sake!)

This week, the Pioneer Woman launced ANOTHER grand site for us to whittle our days away with. Which leads me to my final thought... Pioneer Woman has made me want to be and do so much more. But she's also taken a lot of my time. So is she a INSPIRATOR or a CONSPIRATOR???

Ms Pioneer Woman and all others in SMOKELAHOMA...

Love until forever,
Estee Renee